look of the day: Male crush

23 May 2011

I do not know much about him but kate does not love you, I love you. (see: k a t e l o v e s m e ).

New obsession New love, the Michelle Viljoen inspiration.

22 May 2011

I find that my life and blog are getting rather monotonous each and everyday, being an explorer of the web, I recently discovered the amazing work of Michelle Viljoen (see: papercitylife) and from I was truely inspired. I absolutely love his photos, motionless yet tell a story.

So to bring the spark back to my life, I will be soon taking photography lesson (not sure when and where), so i can capture the amazing memonts of my (fashion) life.

The recent work of Michelle Viljoen, hope you get inspired too. x

Marius Strydom,he not just too gorge? the hair colour the frikles.

Ashleigh-Jane Denton & Thomas Pepler, images from papercitylife

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