Campus Style Hunt | UWC

27 August 2012

 Fashion Friday moments of style.

 then we partied at the Mr and MRS UWC bash, despite all the set backs. They were major fashion moments too, which my camera failed capturing.

Campus Style Hunt...

24 July 2012

Campus Style Hunt | UWC

15 May 2012

Campus Style Hunt | UWC

14 May 2012

I decided to attend classes today, having struggled understanding how a refrigerator works the previous night, yes, I had a physics test later that day and I needed to make sense of it all. It was launch time and I was doing what everyone else was doing , having lunch, mine, a cig and a bottle of vitamin water. I sat by the Library stair amazed by how style can be a medium of expression, some more common like the carvella moccasin  in the dusty street of Gugulethu, while other where unique and expressed true individuality.
I had a refrigerator to understand and  I had to cut the hunting short.

Campus Style Hunt

2 April 2012

Look of day.

5 September 2011

NkayisoNango is no stranger to fairshion love affair and other blogs such as black fashion, which really says soo much about his sense of style.


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