Suzaan Heyns A/W2011

10 March 2011

I can not believe that i did not blog on Suzaan Heyns's show at the the JFW, well it might be late, but to those who did not get a review yet here is a snippet  of the show.

A rather dramatic opening it was,however  will not go in to details, the collection was inspired by the human form and it's anatomy with very fine details, from stitching to the layering .Both female and menswear were featured warm colour palettes.

Here are some of my favs.

Suzaan Heyns photographed by Simon Deiner

David Tlale's A/W2011

There has been lot of anticipation and hype around David Tlale's show.The show gave a somewhat dramatic close to the Joburg fashion week at the Nelson Mandela Bridge, some called it the grand night of bliss.

the collection featured 92 garments, which featured hats, body-suites, chiffon flowing dresses with rather safe colours with most being red,black and white. each of the garments was said to be celebrating a day in the life of Utata Nelson Mandela. I watched as the unfolded on twitter, (where some got really aggressive, because yet again the show was somewhat odd two hours late, i watched with amazement as everyone's tweets drew down to " it better be worth the wait". the question is was it? i certainly think not,i feel the collection was rather safe and NOTHING was extraordinary but here are some of my favorites.

Oh! Where the garmets really 92?  


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